
The purpose of this page is to present some short-term trade suggestions (not RECOMMENDATIONS).
Some clients do investing on their own.  Here are some things I am doing or other traders are doing based on the current market action.

No change in strategy expected, so we are still suggesting the same things as we have for the last several months.  I will post only specific changes as they happen, and will not update this page on a weekly basis.

We are waiting on a few indicators to move before any new suggested trades.  Check back in a few days

XLE and XLF are still showing momentum.  Other high BETA stocks are holding steady and may go higher.  AAPL has crossed over to the SELL signals, and TSLA continues higher, as it seems they announce news nearly every week.

Stay with XLE and add XLF soon (Monday should be ok, add 1/2 position and add to it if you get a better entry point).

Nothing new to suggest.  XLF and XLE should stay on the radar for the next few weeks.

I'm suggesting a HOLD on current positions. The earnings season starts in 2 weeks. New opportunities could arise.  Stay tuned.

GLD made a bounce on March 13th.  The FED announcement added fuel to its climb higher.  Where will it go from here? No telling, but XLF is also waning a bit.  However, XLF should start back to higher-highs as the world markets digest the Fed Rate Hike announcement.  USO is likely to move back into the range it was 2 weeks ago.  TSLA and AAPL and other high-BETA stocks should also stay at the higher end of their recent range.

GLD is still moving out of favor.  But, the higher interest rate talk could cause it to do a 'back and fill' that is not likely to stick around.  USO and XLE is giving us a BETTER entry location. XLF and other financials are likely to continue higher (with FED rate hike and economy in general going higher).

GLD is going OFF our radar.  USO is still stuck in a range, so only selling derivatives for the short term (or simply BUY and HOLD for the long-term).  The ETF's mentioned last have good directional potential.  

GLD is likely to stay on our 'radar'.  USO is a good 'swing trade, buy when it dips, set a SELL order for $11.60, wait a day and repeat.  XLE has all indicators negative.  Wait for a catalyst to buy at or near the bottom (OPEC and US oil news are likely the 'catalyst' we are waiting for).  XLF has had its run.  It may be time to take profits and wait for next positive wave (possibly next month's FED meeting).

Energy seems to be in a sweet-spot for LONG trades.  XLE may be the best way to capture the momentum (seeing that both crude and gasoline takes turns rallying up at least once a week with inventory numbers).  I'm not sure what to recommend for precious metals... We just have to see where global markets go over the next few days... please check back for mid-week update if there is something news worthy

Energy (OIL and XLE) and the high Beta stocks are still going higher....(FB, TSLA, NFLX)
GOLD is out...

Energy, Gold and the high Beta stocks are still in vogue now (FB, TSLA, NFLX)

Same-ol-same-ol with the high-beta stocks, however, the OIL trade is most likely a good opportunity trade, buy the dip, sell the spike up.

Bio-tech stocks are going to be vulnerable under the Trump administration.  Oil could be volatile because of the Keystone Pipeline renewed discussions.  TSLA, NFLX, FB, AAPL and XLF are all likely to go higher.

12/13/2016 no adjustments being suggested for next week

TSLA, AAPL and NFLX are likely to be stellar going into earnings season.  Buy protective position as earnings get closer.

The GLD, USO and VIX derivative trades are all flashing GREEN LIGHTS...
TSLA and AAPL are still mid-to-long term trades...

I got one response about this page.  So, we will keep it rolling...
GLD would be a good hedge if the MARKETS get a jump in volatility.  USO is likely to keep going higher, just a steady grind into the spring and summer months.

Does anybody read this page?  If so, I will keep posting info on it.  Otherwise, I will likely drop this page.

I'm going to say just stick with what we are doing...(see LAST WEEK tab)

The 'double-down' plan when WTI crude hit $45 was the perfect call.  It immediately climbed over $50 a barrel the next day.  If you missed it, wait a couple days, you might be able to catch it again.  The other trades are still good.  Watch for an 'end-of-year' rally, but do so cautiously on the heels of the FED likely raising rates in 2 weeks.

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