Last Week

Friday June 16, 2017 (after close)  

Oil is back to all time lows... Who would have guessed THAT?  The back-and-forth has been mostly blamed on OPEC (and certain non-OPEC members).  But now the attention has turned to the US.  The Bakers-Hughes weekly Rig Count has risen 22 weeks in a row!!! This has all eyes looking at the US to 'cut' production to help support world oil prices.
TSLA peaked at $280 on Wednesday, but gave up a little going into the close on Friday.
XLF (financial ETF) also peaked on Wednesday and is likely to continue higher.
AAPL is off 8% of its recent highs.  But will like resume its climb once the buyers step back in (and the indicators will confirm that).

Friday June 9, 2017 (after close)
TSLA again had a big run this week.  It reached an all time high of  $376.87 on Friday early, but took a turn when the NASDAQ pulled back hard... TSLA was DOWN nearly 3.5% at the close on Friday.  AAPL hovered around $155 all week but lost nearly 4% in the downdraft on Friday. XLF the Financial ETF has been on the rise.  Oil has been beaten down AGAIN... But it always seems to rally, its just not ready to do so yet. For now, it is money under the mattress... it will come around again.  

Friday June 2, 2017 (after close)
TSLA peaked out to close at another all time high almost $340.  APPL pulled back a little from its all time high above $155.  USO has dropped below $10 again, and could be another opportunity to buy more if you are fine with the ongoing OIL volatility.  XLF (banking ETF) closed at 23.45, just 1.8% down from the high since the Banking Earnings reports.  AMZN closed at $1007 also a record high.

Friday May 12, 2017 (after close)
TSLA & AAPL are back to all-time highs.  OIL had a nice bounce this week.  We are watching GLD as a possible trade or at least a broad market indicator of short term weakness.  The Banking Sector has been slumping since earnings, but FED talk is that 2 more rate hikes are possible this calendar year.  That is likely to help that sector

Friday May 5, 2017 (after close)
AAPL is still climbing as they have a big annual conference coming up soon.  TSLA had a big pullback after earnings (as was expected after a steady climb going into earnings).  My suggestion would be to buy-the-dip. Other TECH and high Beta stocks also had good earnings, so these could see additional rises in prices if other broad economic reports back them up (CPI, GDP, etc.)

Friday April 28, 2017 (after close)
AAPL is looking like a continued LONG trade.  OIL is trading in a wide range.  Buying the dip and selling near its recent highs looks like a good short term strategy.  Some other ETF's look promising, like the banking sector XLF.  The good earnings from most of the banks is a signal for good profits ahead.

Friday April 21, 2017 (after close) 
XLF surprisingly has gone no where this week.  Most likely this is a consolidation phase, plus waiting to hear what the FED says next.  Just the fact that most of the BANKS had 'stellar' earnings, I'm sticking to my BUY stance for the next several quarters.  OIL is giving us another BUY opportunity too: Read the MARCH 24, 2017 post below.  GLD is likely to stick in a tight range unless we get a strong Geo-Political event.  Lastly, TSLA is still trying to break above its recent all time high.  AAPL has earnings next week, so we are waiting on the sidelines on for that announcement.

Friday April 14, 2017 (after close) 
XLF was boosted by the STRONG earnings of ALL the banks.  Oil did well because of geo-political tensions and OPEC talk.

Friday April 7, 2017 (after close) 
OIL closed higher than it has in a MONTH (above $52).  TSLA and AAPL continue to out perform the MARKET.  The Financials have had a rocky week, but they are likely to begin a turn around soon.

Friday March 31, 2017 (after close) 
The Friday OIL RIG count was higher (again). However, the INDICATORS turned POSITIVE on Tuesday (3/28). Crude is back above $50 a barrel.  More traders are making predictions of a CRUDE rally in the mid-term (3-6 months.  Some are suggesting $70 a barrel soon.  AAPL and TSLA are back in peak range, and may go higher with earnings.

Friday March 24, 2017 (after close) 
Oil continues its wild ride. The professional traders are expecting OIL to trade in a tight range over the short term.  But as I have said in previous posts, OIL and ENERGY in general are a 'lagging' indicator.  If the new administration does move the economy to higher-highs, then ENERGY will follow higher.  Specifically on USO, the indicators are about to signal a BUY as early as mid week.  GLD has risen in the wake of the pullback we saw last week.  And, Gold and other industrial metals (copper) could also be on the rise with the economy.

Friday March 17, 2017 (after close) 
As expected, OIL had a big bounce, and was further bolstered by the Rate Hike announcement on Wednesday.  AAPL is still hovering around its all time highs.  TSLA got a big boost by a stock offering announcement.  Typically, these are BAD news for a stock.  But for TSLA, this shows and active effort on management to continue with Capital Expenditures as the company plans out aggressive expansion plans.  XLF and XLE were also big winners this week.

Friday March 10, 2017 (after close) 
Oil was a big mover this week. On March 1, the indicators turned negative.  But who knew it would have such a reaction to the OPEC members and to the inventory numbers that came out this week.  It's hard to say if we should apply the '3-day' rule here, or jump on this 'over-reaction' SALE price.  As I have said in the past, when the economy and GDP rises, the use and cost of energy also rises.  So, it can be a good time to jump in (even though..or especially because of the lower prices now).

Friday March 3, 2017 (after close) 
AAPL was boosted by the big Wednesday RALLY and the disclosure that Warren Buffet added to his accumulation of Apple stock.  TSLA bounced off the lows of last week. XLE and XLF (energy and financial ETF's) look to continue their upward movement as the 'Trump Rally' is likely to continue for the short-to-mid term.  GOLD on the other hand is indicating a changing tide... This could be a good time to get on the sidelines for a while until we see the VIX move up in both numbers and volume. 

Friday February 24, 2017 (after close) 
APPL is still showing positive gains, but the indicators are starting to get 'tired'.  One indicator has turned negative, and we could see follow thru with the others.  TSLA had disappointing earnings.  But the Friday 'range' of the stock as well as the positive close indicates the buyers have already begun to come back (they are thinking this might be the last time to get the stock at a bargain price).  The indicators for GOLD continue to point to positive momentum.  USO (oil) hit a new high this last week that we haven't seen since the first week of January.  This will eventually be a pure 'directional' trade, but for now, the tight trading range makes it mostly a derivative trade.

Friday February 17, 2017 (after close) 
Apple had more momentum behind it this week, thanks to Berkshire-Hathaway.  TSLA was down going into Friday, but we had a short rally on Friday.  Oil was back and forth all week, but will continue to be a good long-term directional trade.

Friday February 10, 2017 (after close) 
AAPL is still reacting well to the earnings surprise.  Other HIGH BETA stocks are riding the wave of the Trump Rally.  Oil had a brief 'buying/re-entry' opportunity, and hopefully others took the queue to jump in, as this could be the last 'major' dip for a while.  When INDUSTRIALS rise, demand for ENERGY also rises.  COPPER will also rise, as it is a key industrial raw material.  GOLD is waning, as it is a defensive commodity.  But the concerns over the Trump Presidency have weakened (and the RALLY continues!!!).  The indicators for GLD have also turned to the BEARS side.  

Friday February 3, 2017 (after close)
AAPL surprised the street with their earnings report.  This may be a unique buying opportunity at this price.  Most hedge funds dumped AAPL a while back, and since their 'fundamentals' have changed, it's likely AAPL will be on the 'buy' list in the next several months...Oil is still going 2 steps forward and one step back.  TSLA is also having higher-highs and higher-lows... Earnings are coming up soon, and they are likely going to SURPRISE again (like last quarter).

Friday January 27, 2017 (after close) 
We are still working with the USO volatility, with OPEC and the Keystone Pipeline news.  Bio-Tech stocks are likely to give us short-trade opportunities and XLF, XLE will likely continue higher.

Friday January 20, 2017 (after close) 
USO is a good trade for us to continue to add to when we get these 2-3% pull backs like we had the last 2 weeks.  AAPL has earnings on Tuesday, and a report came out late that they were suing Qualcomm.  But TSLA, NFLX and FB are still showing HOLD for the time being.

Friday January 13, 2017 (after close)
TSLA is still surging...  AAPL is flat and USO had a nice boost after we caught the dip on the previous week.

Friday January 6, 2017 (after close)
TSLA, AAPL, FB and NFLX all ended the week higher. USO was flat, as the OPEC deal for output cuts is in a 'show-me' mode.  The VIX gave back some of its spike from the previous week, but I'm guessing it will show some life again this week.

Friday December 30, 2016 (after close)
TSLA, AAPL, and USO all ended the week higher.  FB and NFLX ended lower.  However the VIX ended 21% higher on the week.  And our indicators were correct to add VIX related positions.

Friday December 23, 2016 (after close)
No changes to our previous week's picks.  But to say again, VOLATILITY is lurking on the horizon.  So we will keep close stops and be ready to boost hedging positions.

Friday December 16, 2016 (after close)
APPL, TSLA, OIL, FB all closed the week near the HIGHS of the month.  NFLX took a little 'breather' but it is still near its 52 week HIGH.  XLF, the Financials ETF has been a great performer, since the summer time when nearly ALL the banking stocks had stellar earnings announcements.  XLF will continue to be a good performer because of the FED RATE HIKE.  This will likely be a slow grind higher, so the derivative trade will be the most profitable way to trade this.

Friday December 9, 2016 (after close)
Oil continues to be a good trade.  AAPL, FB, NFLX and TSLA were stellar performers this week.  They will likely continue their trend for the next several weeks.

Friday December 2, 2016 (after close)
I called the short-term bottom on OIL at $10.08 at 12:40 pm.
It then closed at $11.48 on Friday for a 13.9% gain.  The FANG stocks and the NASDAQ in general all moved into consolidation mode.  If we get closer to reverse-trend indicators, we will likely see 'sell' signals.  But we still feel we have long-term potential in these names.  GLD is also something we are looking at closely.  If there is a negative reaction to the December FED rate hike, we will suggest some short-term positions for GLD.

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