Saturday, October 19, 2013

Post Updates for this week....

Friday June 16, 2017 (after close)  

We were look for the FED to raise interest rates on Wednesday.  That did happen as expected.  But, they ALSO announced their unwinding of their balance sheet... trying to dispose of their massive bond holdings.  So, the CURRENCY markets had a jump and retracement soon afterwords (the same day).

Friday June 9, 2017 (after close)  
There was more 'drama' both in Washington and London this week.  But the equity markets seem to shrug it off as no big deal.  In Great Britain, the poll voting shook up the CURRENCY markets, but they had a partial recovery late in the day. The DOW was in record territory all week until 2:45pm on Friday when there was a pull-back and the NASDAQ pulled back 2% going into the close.

Friday June 2, 2017 (after close) 
I will be updating the blog today.  I took the last 2 weeks off from updating the blog.
Aside from the ongoing Washington drama, the MARKETS are continuing their rise into NEW record territory on a daily basis.  Next week we will hear from the FED about interest rates.  Over the past 2 weeks, we have heard from several FED PRESIDENTS that have suggested 2-3 rate hikes through the end of this calendar year.  They are trying to 'unwind' their balance sheet.  Friday's JOB REPORT was NOT impressive, but the MARKET seemed to shrug that off too.  We could see another short and sharp PULL BACK along the way, but the popular consensus is that the BULL run is not ending any time soon.

Friday May 12, 2017 (after close)
The big market mover was thought to be the news on Wednesday of the FBI director Comey being fired.  There was some reaction in the WORLD CURRENCY MARKETS, but then everything settled back down and the DOW closed the week slightly LOWER.  MACY'S reported much worse than expected numbers and JC Penney had much lower total sales numbers than expected.  This shook up the RETAILER stocks, and contributed to the lower BROAD MARKETS.

Friday May 5, 2017 (after close)
We ended the week mostly flat on the BROAD MARKETS.  More TECH companies reported earnings this week.  Most were BETTER than expected.  This seems to be showing expanding profits for companies.  Next week many RETAILERS will report.

Friday April 28, 2017 (after close)
Friday closed out the week a little 'soft' but it was a GAIN for the BROAD MARKETS for the week.  The TRADERS are watching the flood of EARNINGS and pending economic reports which should help to give direction to the MARKETS over the next quarter.

Friday April 21, 2017 (after close)  
The MARKET shrugged off the Geo-Political events of the previous week, and posts a slight gain for the week.  Oil slipped back down below $50 a barrel again on Friday. Earnings are 'front and center' on Wall Street for another couple of weeks.

Friday April 14, 2017 (markets closed today for holiday) 
The 'big' Market action has been Geo Politically driven.  Volatility is back....
We are still seeing reaction reflected in the DOLLAR, OIL and GOLD.

Friday April 7, 2017 (after close) 
This week was relatively quiet on many fronts.  We had some Geo-Political drama over the Syrian news reports.   Next week will likely have more Washington drama as well as the start to the EARNINGS reports from companies.

Friday March 31, 2017 (after close) 
The First Quarter of the year ended near recent record highs.  The week ended relatively flat after the previous week of Washington drama over a replacement Health Care program.  Speaking of healthcare, that sector had a good week for obvious reasons... the 'heat' was lifted once the bill was pulled.  The other things on the President's agenda could be the focus of traders in the weeks to come.

Friday March 24, 2017 (after close)
The MARKETS were focused on Washington's attempt to replace the Affordable Care Act, and the nervousness was reflected with a pull back in US as well as International MARKETS.  Next week could be a carry over response, or we could see a 'short term bottom'.

Friday March 17, 2017 (after close) 
All eyes were on the FED this week.  Their announcement of a rate hike, and comments thereafter helped to propel the DOW and NASDAQ another 100 points higher.  We ended the week with a slight gain over the previous week's lower close.

Friday March 10, 2017 (after close) 
The MARKET finally broke its 6 week winning streak... All eyes were on the Friday employment report.  And again, it was a surprisingly 'better than expected' number.  There was a lot of skepticism leading up to it and the concert over a FED interest rate hike.  That will be the main focus on traders' minds for next week.

Friday March 3, 2017 (after close) 
We were awaiting the President's speech to Congress on Tuesday evening.  And once again, the MARKETS reacted positively.  On Wednesday the DOW soared 300+ points.  Thursday and Friday, the MARKETS traded mostly flat.  Thus we ended the week in record high territory.

Friday February 24, 2017 (after close) 
This week was the 11th day in a row of higher closes for the BROAD MARKET.  There was some weakness / cautiousness going into the close on Friday.  The VIX index has not indicated any need to make drastic changes in the short term.

Friday February 17, 2017 (after close) 
The RALLY stayed alive and well most of the week.  Some geo-political things caused a brief pull-back on Friday.  We will watch to see if the tide is turning on this rally and make any adjustments then.

Friday February 10, 2017 (after close) 
We are still in 'rally mode', and the experts say this could continue for the near term.  This has helped OIL but hurt GOLD.  Next week could see some sideways motion because of the FED.
The INTERNATIONAL markets are also holding on to this rally momentum.  There was some concern with North Korea, but that may move to the background in a couple days, as it usually does.

Friday February 3, 2017 (after close) 
The MARKET busted above the 20k in the DOW again this week.  We had several good economic reports topped off with the stellar JOBS report on Friday.  The 'Trump' effect is still alive and well.

Friday January 27, 2017 (after close)
In spite of the rise ABOVE 20,000 on the DOW, the week ended with only a slight gain for the week.  We are most like in a mild 'consolidation' period for now.  DOW theory indicates we are likely going to see higher-highs and higher-lows over the next several weeks.  We are also seeing mostly better than expected EARNINGS reports.

Friday January 20, 2017 (after close) (updating Sunday)
We didn't see the EXTREME volatility predicted for Inauguration Day Friday.  However, there was much 'caution' throughout the week.  The DOW pull back away from the 20,000 mark by about 175 points going into Friday, and ended UP 95 points on the day.

Friday January 13, 2017 (after close) 
The BROAD MARKET ended the week FLAT over last week's close.  It seems that the psychological 20,000 is keeping the traders on edge.  However, the NASDAQ continue to reach for record highs.  We are in the swing of EARNINGS SEASON and more economic reports are sending mixed signals to the traders.

Friday January 6, 2017 (before close)
The DOW did end lower, as I had anticipated earlier in Friday's session, but we got within 0.37 points of the 20,000 mark during the day on Friday.  The 'jury' is out as to where we are going from here.  Some traders are warning that we are on the brink of a recession.  More volatility is expected as we get closer to January 20th.

Friday December 30, 2016 (after close)
The rally has begun to fade this week... And our indicators started to show this near the end of last week.  There has been a slight jump in the VIX index, and this may follow last years pattern of increasing going into the month of February.  But for now, the analysts are simply blaming it on the low-volume holiday schedule.

Friday December 23, 2016 (after close)
The week ended pretty much FLAT... very typical for a pre-holiday week. The volume was also low and no real direction except for a little 15 point bump up going into the close for the DOW on Friday.
Next week, the MARKET will be closed on Monday but open all day on Friday.

Friday December 16, 2016 (after close)
The 'TRUMP' rally continues.  We did have the 'expected' rate hike from the FED announced at 2 pm on Wednesday this week.   This had its usually bipolar response from the MARKETS with a drop of 100 points followed by a jump of 100 points.  As the week wore on, things started to wane with the DOW bumping 19,900 several times but not making the run for 20,000 quite yet.  Oil also bounced around with indications that the OUTPUT cuts most likely will take place as scheduled.

Friday December 9, 2016 (after close)
We finished out the week on a STRONG GAIN again for the BROAD MARKETS.  Several factors played into the ongoing RALLY.  The ECB (European Central Bank) announced that they would continue to provide accommodative economic policies in effect through the end of 2017, with some tightening as early as April 2017.

Friday December 2, 2016 (after close)
The month ended with a big gain for the BROAD MARKETS.  The MARKETS took a 'breather' on Friday, with some concerns over a pending announcement from Italy. The JOBS numbers were better than expected on Friday.  And the OIL markets were volatile all week awaiting word from OPEC.  The week ended with another gain, slightly below record numbers from Thursday.

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